The Hidden Tunnel
The Hidden Tunnel
By: Evelyn Liu
Chapter 1
Natalie had a friend named Jason. Jason was going to Natalie’s house for a sleepover. When Jason rang the doorbell Natalie answered, “We are going to have so much fun! We are going to play hide and seek, tag and so much more!” said Natalie. “ Ya I can’t wait!” answered Jason. “Ok, come on in!” Natalie said very excitedly. Jason looked around Natalie’s house and it was very clean. “Let’s go to the basement. There is lots of stuff there so we can look at stuff and stuff.” Natalie exclaimed. “Ok” Jason answered. So Natalie and Jason went to the basement to check out what there was. As Jason krept down the stairs he was scared “Are you sure we should be down here?” Jason asked scaredly. “Of course! Why couldn't we! What are you? A scaredy cat?” Natalie said as she mocked Jason. “What! No way!” Jason said defensively. “Good, then come on.” Natalie answered. So Natalie and Jason went down to the basement. When Natalie and Jason got there it was dark so Natalie turned on the light. “Ok let’s look around to see what there is.” Natalie said. “Ok” Jason answered. So Natalie looked in some boxes while Jason moved some boxes. “HEY NATALIE! “ Jason yelled. “What? And stop shouting!” Natalie answered. “Whatever. Anyway look what I found!” Jason said. “What is it?” Natalie asked while she walked over to Jason. “Look, it's a tunnel I think,” Jason said. “Uh duh that’s a tunnel! But anyways let’s go check it out!” Natalie said excitedly. “Uhm I don’t think that’s a good idea…” Jason said nervously. “Oh come on! Then what’s the point of the tunnel!” Natalie complained. “Urgh fine but just this once.” Jason said anxiously. “YAY! Let’s go, what are we waiting for!” Natalie said very excitedly. “NO WAI-” Jason began to say but Natalie pulled him in before he could finish. Inside the tunnel was very dark but thankfully there was a torch so Natalie and Jason could see. Jason took the torch and they continued to walk through the tunnel. Natalie was amazed in awe and curiosity and while Jason was scared and nervous but maybe a little curious. It felt like forever and the tunnels were very long “Hey Natalie? Maybe we should head back.” Jason said nervously. “No way hozay! Plus it’s soooo cool that there’s a tunnel in my basement! I’ve been dreaming about something like this! I’m not letting you stop me but you could go back.” Natalie exclaimed. Jason was nervous he didn’t know what to do. He wanted to leave but was too scared to and didn’t want to go alone or Jason could stay with Natalie, have an adventure and maybe get some treasure. What would he do? Jason decided to stay with Natalie (Like all stories go) “Wait for me!” Jason yelled as he ran to Natalie. “I knew you would come” Natalie smirked. “Ya ya” Jason said. “Ok let’s go!” Natalie said excitedly. So Natalie and Jason went through the tunnels finally they came to a room the tunnels were like a maze! But they finally made it to a room and the room had a throne. Inside the room Natalie and Jason met Cheryl. “Who are you?” Cheryl asked. “I am Natalie and this is Jason.” Natalie explained. “I can introduce myself thank you!” Jason said. “Oh oh. Well what are you doing here Natalie and Jason?” Cheryl asked. “Well me and Natalie were having a sleepover and we went to the basement and found a tunnel so Natalie begged me to go through the tunnel” Jason answered. “I did not beg! And you were too scared to even go through the tunnel!” Natalie yelled. Natalie and Jason bickered and bickered. “STOP!” Cheryl yelled. It all went quiet “Do you know the way out? I’ve been trapped here for days!” Cheryl asked. Jason and Natalie were silent again “You didn’t keep track where you went now we are lost here forever! Do you at least have food?!” Cheryl yelled again. Jason and Natalie looked at each other and shrugged. “ARRRGGGHHH!!!!!!” Cheryl yelled really annoyed (although she is usually the annoying one). “Ok you know what? Just follow me.” Cheryl said. Both Jason and Natalie nodded so they followed Cheryl through the tunnels/maze. When they finally made it to a stop it was a dead end so Natalie, Jason and Cheryl headed back. “Are we back yet? It’s getting a bit creepy…” Jason said shyly. “Aw, come on where’s your sense of adventure?” Natalie said mocking Jason. “Oh stop with the bickering and bickering. We could be trapped for days! So stop complaining!” Cheryl said very firmly. As the group kept taking turns and stumbling across dead ends they finally found another room. Inside the room was very clean, it had a few strange looking coins and a few vines. “Another room! URGH! I wish we could just get out of here!” Cheryl moaned. “How did you even get here?” Jason asked. “Same as you. I found a tunnel in my basement and was stupid enough to go through! I really regret that.” Cheryl answered. “Oh ok.” Natalie said. “Hey look a door!” Jason said happily. “Do you think it can take us back to our homes?” Natalie asked. “Less likely. But we have nowhere to go and I don’t want to go back to that maze so we could check it out.” Cheryl answered. Natalie pushed the heavy door. The door made a really loud “creak” and opened. Cheryl, Natalie, and Jason walked through the door. Inside was like a mythical island! There was a waterfall, some moss and even some mythical creatures like a unicorn. “WOOOOWWW!” said Cheryl and Natalie in awe. “It’s really girly.” said Jason in disgust. “Hey!” Natalie said. “Anyway’s let’s go down and see what more there is.” Cheryl said. So Natalie, Jason and Cheyl jumped down to the water. “WOW! The waterfall is so pretty!” Natalie exclaimed. “I’m gonna go check out that unicorn!” Cheryl said very excitedly. “And i’m just gonna stay here. It’s sooooo girly here!” Jason said, very annoyed. “ So what do you want? Video games, chips,and technology?” Natalie said defensively. Then Natalie walked away to the waterfall. Natalie looked at the waterfall and it looked like there was something in it. Natalie squinted then she put her hand in the water expecting a hard rock surface but instead she felt nothing but air. “HEY! NATALIE! What are you doing?” Jason asked. “Call Cheryl, I wanna check something out.” Natalie said seriously. “Ok,” Jason said without doubt. “HEY CHER- wait a second… where is Cheryl?” Jason asked anxiously. Then he turned to Natalie… she was gone. Jason was scared then the sky became red and dark. “Natalie? Cheryl?” Jason asked, more scared. “Come on stop pranking me this is not funny.” Jason said. There was no answer Jason looked around the moss died and the grass turned to stone and the unicorn and all the mythical creatures were gone everything was gone… then Jason looked at the waterfall and walked to it. The water in the waterfall was no longer made of water, it looked red, it was thick so it couldn’t be water… it was blood. Jason ran to the door he Natalie and Cheryl came from was no longer there. Then Jason wondered what Natalie was going to say was really important. “Hmmmmm…” Jason wondered. “Well she touched the waterfall then told me to call Cheryl. It has to be something related to the waterfall.” Jason told himself. Jason ran to the waterfall then put his hand through it. “There is nothing on the other side…” Jason said. Jason walked through the waterfall he couldn't believe his eyes… everything was made of blood and Natalie was dead on the ground but Cheryl was nowhere to be seen then everything went black. Jason opened his eyes and he was in a hospital. “Where am I?” Jason asked. “You are in the hospital. It looks like the car crash got you anemia.” The doctor said. “What car crash?” Jason asked. “You were seen walking then a car crashed into you so someone called “911” and you were in this hospital.” said the doctor. “Huh? I thought I was with Natalie and Cheryl and we went to this weird maze and we ended up in this weird room and Natalie and Cheryl went missing and I walked through the waterfall made of blood and ended up in this bloody place and I saw Natalie… dead. Then I blacked out.” Jason whispered to himself so the doctor didn’t hear him and thought he was crazy. After a week Jason was able to go home to his apartment.
Chapter 2
Years past since “The incident” Jason was still haunted by what happened to Natalie. Jason asked everyone about Natalie or Cheryl but no one knew about them so he just gave up but it still haunts him about Natalie. Now Jason lives with his friend Evan. Evan’s a nice guy, he's blond, neat/organized, and he’s tall. His personality is not the best if you don't know him but he’s really caring about his friends. Jason met Evan when he was buying groceries Jason was trying to get the ramen and Evan also wanted the ramen and they started talking about ramen. Once Jason and Evan were in their basement playing cards when a tunnel caught Evan's eye. “Hey dude, should we go?” Even asked. “No! I mean yes! I mean do you want to?” Jasan queried. “ But has that tunnel always been there?” Jason asked, shivering , remembering Natalie. “ I don’t know, I just realized it. But why are you shivering so intensely?” He asked Jason. Jason looked at himself, he was shivering very intensely “Calm down Jason. Calm down…” Jason said as he relaxed himself. “Umm… I have a phobia of tunnels.” Replied Jason. “Dude, should we go or not?” Evan asked. “Umm… Fine. Let’s go."Jason muttered. He could try and find Cheryl in the maze and bring her back. So Jason and Evan crawled into the tunnel. It was just like the time Jason was with Natalie when they went into the tunnel but this time he was more scared and he knew what was in there except Jason didn’t remember where he went in the maze. “Hmmmm… I think we should turn here.” Jason said not really sure. “Ok.” Even agreed. After a while they bumped into a rotten corpse. “Dude, what is that?” Jason asked. “I dunno.” Evan replied. “Well duh it’s a corpse.” came an annoyed voice. Startled, Evan jumped 3 feet into the air. “Anyways, I’ve been stuck here for years now. Have any food?” the voice continued. “Cheryl?” Jason asked. “Huh? Who is Cheryl?” Evan asked. Jason closed his eyes and Cheryl was gone. “Sorry. Just thought of someone I probably will never see again though.” Jason said. “Oh okay. Let's keep walking.” Evan said. “Ok.” answered Jason. “I’m hungry…” Said Jason softly. “Ok we’ll try to find some food. Ok?” Evan answered. “Ok.” Jason muttered. Jason and Evan continued to walk a while then they found a girl. “Oh! Hi, I'm Evan and this is my friend Jason. Do you have any food we can eat and share or at least help us find a way out?” Evan asked the girl. “Natalie…?” Jason said very softly. “Huh who’s Natalie? First Cheryl now Natalie? Do you need to go to the hospital?” Evan asked, very worried about Jason. “Jason…? Is that you?” the girl asked, very hopeful. “NATALIE! It really is you!!!” Jason said very happy as he lunged at her. “Oh i’m so happy I missed you very much Jason!” Natalie said as she hugged him tightly. “ Ummm… What's going on?” Evan asked, confused. “ Oh sorry I forgot about you. Well you see... let’s just say Natalie is a very old friend. I’ll fill you up with the rest of the story another day…” Jason said. “Anyway’s Natalie , how did you survive? Last time I saw you were dead on the ground.” Jason asked curiously. “Oh… Let’s just forget about that and go home together.” Natalie said anxiously. “Oh ok!” Jason said. “ WHAT!!! This girl right here died?!” Evan screamed confused and surprised. “Who is that annoying person anyway?” Natalie asked. “”Hey!!! That’s rude man.” Evan exclaimed, offended. “I am NOT a man.” seethed Natalie. “C’mon let’s find Cheryl.” Natalie said, a bit annoyed. “Ok. Lets go.” Jason agreed. “What?! I don't want to be with her!” Evan whined. “Too bad.” Natalie said “C’mon guys, let's not fight.” Jason said, trying to calm them. “Hmph! I’d be glad to!” Natalie said. “So where should we go?” Jason asked. “Hmmm… I say we go that way.” Natalie said pointing to the left. “Well I say we go that way!” Evan said pointing to the right. “Where do you think we should go?” both Natalie and Evan said together. “Uhhhh… Um mabey there? Jason said pointing straight. “Ok.” Natalie and Evan said together again. So Natalie, Jason and Evan all walked straight. It seemed like forever and they were going in a loop then Jason stopped. Then Evan and Natalie also stopped. “Why are we stopping?” Natalie asked. “Ummm… Guys I think we have company.” Jason muttered, turning white.
Chapter 3
Natalie and Evan turned their heads to see what it was. It was a spider! “Seriously? You're scared of a spider?!” Natalie laughed. “ Hey! Don’t laugh at me! Just kill it already! C’mon man! You’re on my side right” Jason yelled scardely. “ Sorry man I hate her but I gotta say it is funny.” Evan said, trying not to laugh. “ Hey!” Natalie said defensively. “ Just kill it already!” Jason yelled. “Ok ok we get it.” Evan said. So Evan swapped the spider so they could continue their journey to find a way out and figure where they were. Finally they found somewhere. It was a room with tiles that glowed and the sides had crystals. Natalie stepped forward to the glowing floor then stepped on a tile that was blue. Arrows shot from the sides Natalie ducked quickly. “ You guys stay here this could be more dangerous with more people.” Natalie said worried. “Ok.” Both the boys agreed. Then Natalie stepped on a red tile. Nothing happened so Natalie stepped on a yellow tile the same thing happened before. “ It looks like if you step on a cold color something bad will happen.” Natalie said wisely. So Natalie continued her path through the glowing tiles to the end. At the end was a big door opened and through the door they could see was Evans apartment. “Ok Natalie good job now wait for us then we can leave together!” Jason said happily. “Ha! Like I would let you! Last time we were here you left me so now i'm gonna have revenge on you and leave you!” Natalie said rudely. “ Bu- but were friends! And I didn’t mean to leave you here! I thought you were dead so… I left…” Jason said disappointed. “ Hey Evan! Are you gonna come with me or stick with that loser and die?!” Natalie said harshly while ignoring Jason. “ I’ll stay with you! I was gonna ditch Jason anyway!” Evan said happily. “ Wh-what? Evan…? But- what did I do to you…?” Jason asked Evan, having a bit of hope. “ IDC! Do what you want to die, survive. I don't care.” Evan said. “ C’mon let’s go I don’t want to explain everything to this idiot!” Natalie said in a hurry. “ Ok lets go.” Evan answered. Natalie and Evan walked through the door and closed it. The light of the tiles and crystals flickered off and everything crumbled. Jason didn’t care anymore his friends betrayed him and he was gonna die sooner or later. Jason fell to his knees and stayed there crying. Then something grabbed him
Chapter 4
Jason slowly opened his eyes and looked around his habitat. He wasn't anywhere he had seen before. “ Oh! Glad you’re awake you blacked out after the cave in. You’ve been asleep for 2 days!” Said a middle aged man worried. “ Um… Who are you, where am I and what happened?” Asked Jason curious. “ I’m sure you have lots of questions but you have to rest. Once you’ve recovered we’ll answer everything.” The man said, “ Also my name is Adam.” Adam answered. “ Well ok… i’ll rest…” Jason said. Then he closed his eyes. When Jason woke up again he saw a girl leaning over him. “ Urgh! Finally you’re awake!” The girl said. “ Cheryl..?” Jason asked. “ Glad you recognize me.” Cheryl said impatiently. “ WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!!! WHERE DID YOU GO?!” Jason yelled. “ Calm down, I'm here to help. I think I know a way out.” Cheryl said calmly. “ Really? I don’t trust you…” Jason said unsecure. “Well then you’ll have to trust me.” Cheryl said, smirking. “ What? You can’t make me trust you!” Jason said, trying to make a point. “ Well then do you want to get out of here?” Cheryl asked. “ Urgh… Fine…” Jason said unsure. “Well anyways what happened to you last time I saw you?” Jason asked curiously. “ Come with me so we can talk privately.” Cheryl demanded. Jason was about to say something but he thought there was no point to argue so he followed Cheryl. Jason followed Cheryl to another room. “ Ok now answer my question. What happened last time I saw you?” Jason repeated strictly. “ Just listen to me and you will understand everything.” Cheryl said seriously. “ So first I actually came here through a portal. Then I didn’t know where I was so I stayed here forever but for some strange reason I never got hungry or dehydrated. And when I found you I was happy to see my own kind. Then I ended up in the maze again and found Adam so we became friends and helped each other. So that’s my story, what's yours?” Cheryl asked. So Jason finally realized what happened to Cheryl but how about Natalie and what about what I saw last time? He thought. Jason explained everything about what happened to him.
Chapter 5
Later Cheryl gave Jason some food and water. “ Where did you get all this food?” Jason asked. “ Well in the maze there are animals so we hunt animals and there’s a lake of water that never dries up or disappears. It's forever lasting for some reason we don't know why but we need it.” Cheryl explained. “ Oh ok.” Jason said. “OOOOOOHHHHHOOOOHHHOOOOO! “SANTA YELLED AND IS STILL YELLING ACTUALLY IT’S EVELYN AND THIS IS TOTALLY NOT IN THIS STORY! SO IGNORE IT! Jason and Cheryl were totally silent which was very awkward. “ Ummmm… Well this is awkward…” Jason said shyly cause he’s always shy. “ Soooo… do you like reading books?” Jason asked. “ DEFINITELY! I LOVE READING BOOKS!” Cheryl yelled excitedly. “ Uh- Wow you must really like reading.” Jason said awkwardly. “ Uh- Sorry for acting so excited all of a sudden…” Cheryl apologized embarrassed. “ It’s ok. Well I do have some books do you want to read them?” Jason asked. “ OMG YES!!! Uh- yes I would love to read them.” Cheryl said embarrassed. “ Haha! Ok here.” Jason laughed. Jason handed the books to Cheryl. She immediately began to read the book. Later Jason eventually went to sleep while Cheryl was still reading the book. An hour later she fell asleep and Adam came. “ Oh hey Jason! You better get to sleep, we will need rest for tomorrow.” Adam said strictly. “ Ok…” Jason said, still half asleep. So Jason lay on the hard ground and closed his eyes.
Chapter 6
Then Jason opened his eyes and he sat straight and saw Cheryl. “ Hey Cheryl! Good morning!” Jason said happily. “How do you even know it’s morning?” Cheryl said, trying to prove a point. “ Whatever…” Jason said. Cheryl laughed a bit then told him to follow her and Adam to try to find a way out. Cheryl, Jason and Adam walked for a while until they stopped and took a break. After they took their break they continued to walk for around an hour. Finally they found a room. Cheryl pushed through Adam and Jason to see. There was a path with spikes everywhere and a door at the end. “Hmmm… How do we get to the other side?” asked Adam. “ How about we find two platforms to step on and put the other platform in front and repeat until we get to the end. And after one of us gets to the end one of us will throw the platforms to the end so the other person can get it and repeat.” Adam said proudly. “Yes that would work but where would we find two platforms and wont the spikes just poke through the platform?” Cheryl asked. “Good point…” Adam said disappointed. “How about this. We can carefully step through the spikes. But we have to be very careful.” Cheryl said with a serious face. “Sounds good to me!” both of the boys agreed. So Cheryl went first and carefully stepped through the gaps between the ginormous spikes. Slowly she made it to the end. So Adam went next he carefully stepped through the gaps but then the spike move Adam tripped and fell he fell into a spike blood splattered around the dead body. The two children stared at the dead body traumatized. “Adam just died…” Cheryl said, staring at the body. Then Cheryl just ran through the door not looking back. “Cheryl! Come back! Please you need to help me get to the other side!” Jason begged. “Sorry… I don’t want to die.” Cheryl said, turning her head around and then left. Jason lost hope he turned around and left the room. Jason didn’t know where or what to do next.
Chapter 7
Jason slept somewhere in a maze for a while till he woke up. He was very hungry so Jason decided to look for food. After Jason found food and ate it he just went to sleep. He thought he had everything he didn't need to risk his life to get home so he thought while sleeping. This went on for a few days Jason would find food and go to sleep. But soon he got bored of doing the same things over and over again and he missed home so Jason thought he should try to find a room and get to the other side. Jason went around the maze a while until he finally found a door. He opened it and walked in. It was the same room where he saw Natalie die in! He ran without looking back. Suddenly a wall materialised in front of him. “Fool” came a raspy voice “You thought that you could escape me! Once you're in the maze it comes back to visit you! Mark my words because I am the supreme villain Chaos!(
I actually hate villains. I like bad guys better. And I didn’t write the ending) You fell straight for my trap when I told you I was Cheryl! I pretended I was your friend and everyone who dies here comes back as my servant! Mwah hah ha ha ha!”. Jason tried to say something but not a sound came out. Then he fell into the inky darkness. Swirling alongside the dark pit.
Jason woke with a start. It was just a bad dream he assured himself. But it wasn’t. The memory kept haunting him ‘till he died...
Fact: I wrote most of the story Cheryl wrote the ending